Apex Legends: How the Game Helps Battle Royale Rise Again

While some gamers might not like the art style used in Apex Legends, no one can deny that the battle royale experience is explicit. It offers crisp gameplay with amazing gunplay and mechanics. Even hard-core players can bet on Apex Legends not to disappoint in that department. This is unlike Titanfall, another title from Respawn Studio that flopped during its early phases. Apex Legends, on the other hand, is an evolution of Titanfall, seeing as it's set in the same world. 

From stable frame rates to a tight storyline, Apex Legends is at the pinnacle of first-person shooter battle royal video games. Our article studies the mechanics and features that make this title a blast to play. Dive into the thick of it now.

Innovative Gameplay Mechanics

Looking at it from this perspective, Apex Legends revitalises the battle royale genre with different in-game mechanics. Some of the in-game mechanics fans love about the game are: 

Game Modes

Apex Legends offered four game modes in the beginning which are Battle Royale, Team Deathmatch, Control, and Gun Run. Battle Royale is the core game mode while the other three are there for the sake of variety. Luckily for players, the Team Deathmatch, Control, and Gun Run are unique. Nowadays, players will find an additional three, making seven game modes excluding the Training Mode. The new three modes are Firing Range, Duos, and Ranked Legends. A few events introduce a Limited Time Mode or Takeover to vary the experience. Players who want a challenge in Apex Legends should play some matches in the Team Deathmatch mode.

Map Rotator

There are three different types of maps which are for the Battle Royal and Arena. In total, there are 11 maps in Apex Legends. For Battle Royale, there are King Canyon, World's Edge, Olympus, Storm Point, and Broken Moon. The Arena maps are Party Crasher, Phase Runner, Overflow, Encore, Habitat 4, and Drop-off. 

Tight Gunplay

Gameplay-wise, Apex Legends is hands-down a killer experience. Eliminating your opponent just feels great, especially on next-gen consoles with controllers like DualSense. Everything from the recoil to the VFX, and even back to the weapon animations, you'll be swept away by how slick the gunplay feels.

Incredible Movement Calibration

It can take up to a year for developers to perfect the movement of a character. Too fast and it'll be unrealistic, too slow, and players will feel like they're playing Bloodborne — A video game with slow-paced combat. Apex Legends takes inspiration from Titanfall but takes the movement and action to another level.


There are eight classes of Legends to pick from, each with its unique pros and cons. So it's up to players to create a squad of Legends with abilities that complement each other's strengths and weaknesses. The available classes are Bangalore, Bloodhound, Lifeline, Caustic, Gibraltar, Mirage, Pathfinder, and Wraith. Choose your classes carefully.

Total Freedom 

Players are welcomed into a world where they can choose their guns, gear, and even the landing zone. For one, the landing zone forces players to grind for the best spots in the game. Usually, the best landing zones contain the best equipment in the game. Land in the wrong place and you'll pick up pistols and SMGs with low damage output. 

The innovative nature of Apex Legends' gameplay mechanics has cemented its name in history. For one, its popularity has led to the growth of Apex Legends bets, offering fans a chance to engage with the game and potentially earn rewards.

Strategic Teamplay

Pairing up with friends can lead to some of the best FPS tactics ever planned and pulled off by fans of Apex Legends. The video game promotes strategic teamplay and communication among players. For one, there are eight game modes in Apex Legends. So, someone has to be the team medic (Lifeline) while another teammate should be a shield. Then we've got the heavy hitters like Bangalore and saboteurs like the Caustic Legends. 

So, Legends' skill sets are specific and never overpowered so you won't ever need your teammates. This is why the dynamic between team members in Apex Legends is so high. Players will be able to communicate with their teammates to target any spot so awareness is always at an all-time high. You can't gain an edge without help from your friend or co-player.

Developer-Community Interaction

Respawn Entertainment actively engages with the Apex Legends community, incorporating player feedback to improve the game. They pull off by staying up to date with their players on social media like Twitter, Twitch, and many more. After gathering enough data from their fans, the developer releases speedy updates so that players never wait too long.


We don't think Apex Legends will win over all of Fortnite's players because of the exquisite crafting system in Fortnite. But in terms of gunplay, a lot of video games out there will be hard-pressed to meet up with Apex Legends' challenge. Also, no other game out there prioritizes teamwork like it does because there are eight different character classes to experiment with. 

By the way, Apex Legends betting is a thing in the industry now. Finally, remember that Apex Legends is free to play by all! But to earn revenue, customisations are the developers' aim. Players will be charged for skins, gun charms, and even Legend cards which is a unique approach. We prefer it over the old-school payment-before-service system practised by studios like Activision.